Monday kicked off with the usual pub welcome drinks but this time it was Melissa H and Danielle that took the group down. There were a couple of issues with under 18s not being allowed in the pub despite not drinking alcohol (something we will have to be on top of from now on!) There was also the usual chat about London and our horrible summer weather!
On Tuesday Owen was tour guide again for the fabulous 'under the bridges' walk. A fascinating tour of Central London. Owen brought along Jess' lovely sister Tilly who was visiting from the countryside. She was a little scared of all the noise but as soon as she was let off the lead she bounded into action! Later on that evening Jon took some of the students to Soho Japan to try the London version of Sushi. I hear that despite it being slightly pricey, it was a great evening and everyone enjoyed the food. On Wednesday Melissa H took a few to the Science Museum where they played with the interactive exhibit. Julia also went with her one-to-one student and they explored the energy and alchemy section. Yesterday Myself, Vanessa and Nick managed to heard the group to Camden. It was an eventful start with trouble with tickets, barriers and losing some of the group, but we eventually made it to Camden. Some were even brave enough to try some of the food from the market stalls. A few had to leave early as they were off to Phantom of the Opera, which I hear is amazing, although I have never seen it myself.
This evening as always is Pacha, so to those going have a good night and everyone else, have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine due on Sunday!