Here's a chance to increase your marriage vocabulary (just in time for the summer wedding season) with a true love story from within SGI. Saturday 23rd June 2012 was a very special day. Two former SGI teachers got married to each other – thus, making it the first SGI wedding in all of its 50 years! Yes, congratulations to the ever-lovable Amy Coppins and the super-talented Chris Wilson! Amy left SGI earlier this year; however, she started way back in 2007. Chris also started teaching there at that time, but only for the summer. The students they taught will tell you what great teachers they were, although they probably would have been oblivious to their blossoming romance. Not for some teachers though, they could instantly tell there was chemistry. Sure enough – and by chance – they were thrust together to prepare for the annual SGI summer party. Chris smoothly asked for her number to help them co-ordinate the strenuous task of putting up decorations. Who would’ve thought this would have led to him popping the question a few years later and moving with his fiancé to Bristol where they would spend most of their engagement? After much planning, the big day finally came last week. Very much like Amy to go for the alternative, their countryside wedding was held in a barn in the heart of the Kent countryside. The set-up was mostly hand-crafted materials with original designs and bunting all around the venue, mainly produced by the lovely bridesmaids. A few SGI teachers were in attendance to witness the arrival of a stunning Amy, walking down the aisle towards a centre circle with the nervous-looking groom looking in awe of his beautiful bride. After their vows, we sang a few solemn and meaningful songs; “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong and “Love me Tender” by Elvis Presley. Afterwards was the obligatory confetti throwing and photos, taken in the lush outdoors (thankfully it wasn’t raining). The only hiccup was the numerous bugs getting caught inside Amy’s incredible wedding dress! The meal was then served which consisted of 3 delicious courses and our very own SGI table reminisced about old times and colleagues. To emphasise the SGI influence, the ever-delectable Melissa Humphries rolled back the years as social programme co-ordinator by hosting a TV theme quiz show. Unfortunately not even her enthusiasm could help us – our table came last. Next up were the speeches, with the Best Man going first giving plenty of anecdotes. Finally, Chris’s old band played a number of songs, including himself singing a duet with his new brother-in-law; a heart-warming rendition of “Where Do You Go To (my lovely)”, bringing the biggest smile from Amy since hearing Chris say “I do”. She herself became a backing singer for the lovely number, “Video Killed The Radio Star” and who’d have thought she had a voice in tune behind that glowing smile?? Lastly, a lot of dancing, drinking and partying! In true SGI fashion, everyone had a wonderful day, and I’m sure the newlyweds will have an even better time on their honeymoon. If it wasn’t for SGI, this special love and event would never have taken place. Relationships have come and gone through their doors, but this is the first that resulted in marriage. So when you come to SGI, you may just find a little bit more than learning and improving your English – you could fall head over heels in love, just like our very own Chris and Amy!
Marriage Vocbulary
- A blossoming romance
- a developing love between two people
- Chemistry
- mutual attraction
- To pop the question
- to make an offer of marriage
- Fiancé / Fiancée
- future groom / bride
- Engagement
- a promise to marry
- Bridesmaid
- a member of the bride’s wedding party
- Aisle
- a passage between rows of seats where the bride walks at the beginning of the wedding
- Groom
- a man to be married on the wedding day
- Bride
- a woman to be married on the wedding day
- Marriage Vows
- promises the bride and groom make to each other during the ceremony
- Confetti
- small pieces of coloured paper thrown at special occasions, particularly weddings
- The Best Man
- the groom’s main attendant at the wedding
- Brother-in-Law (Sister-in-Law, Father-in-Law etc.)
- a relative by marriage
- Newlywed
- a person recently married
- Honeymoon
- the holiday after the wedding
- To fall heard over heels in love
- to fall deeply in love with someone, especially suddenly